Trail Report Update Monday, March 10, 2025

The Vilas County Snowmobile Alliance has announced that all Vilas County snowmobile trails will "temporarily" close Tuesday, March 11 at 8:00 AM.

They are once again leaving open the possibility of reopening the trails should weather conditions change in our favor.  The extended forecast does not look promising, but stranger things have happened.

Regardless of conditions, the absolute latest the trails are allowed to be open is March 31, so we are running out of time.

Should this be the end, the Sayner Barnstormers would like to thank all of you that enjoyed our trails and visited our amazing businesses this season.  We could not do this without you!  We hope to see you again next year!!

Trail Report Update Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Vilas county trails are set to reopen Friday, March 7 at 8:00 am!

The Barnstormer volunteers have been very busy these past couple days clearing downed trees and panning the trails in anticipation of the reopening.  The majority of our system is in really good condition.  Trail 6/9 between TIN 204 and 225 has several dips that are full of slush, covered in snow.  The fresh snow makes these more difficult to see.

You should also expect to see a lot of branches in the trail.  We've cleared what we could, but there is still heavy snow in the trees and branches continue to fall.

Trail 9/11 was not groomed from TIN 366 heading west towards Arbor Vitae.  There is a hill on this stretch that is very icy under the snow and it simply is not worth having a groomer slide off the trail.

With the warmer temps forecasted for next week, this could likely be our last weekend.  Expect heavy traffic!  Please be respectful of everyone out there by slowing down as you approach corners and STAY ON YOUR SIDE OF THE TRAIL!!

Remember, there are logging operations on parts of trails 11 & 15 between Escanaba Lake Road and Old White Birch Road.  The impact to the trail is minimal, so no reason to avoid.  Just remember the loggers have priority over the trails & have the authority to shut them down if you get in their way.  Please be respectful of their operations.

Trail Report Update Friday, February 21, 2025

Last weekend generated a huge amount of snowmobile traffic.  This was fantastic for businesses but was also noticeable on the trails.  Without some new WET snow, it just isn't possible fill ruts and make it last.  Even so, trails remain in mostly good condition.  Our groomers are reporting that the wider, less traveled trails are excellent!  Tighter trails deeper in the woods are getting some snirty areas and are in fair condition.  You'll find areas that are down to the ice base.  We simply are not able to get this dry snow to stick.  The 6" of new snow last weekend certainly helped, it just doesn't last long.

Overall, the riding is still really good.  We're hearing positive comments from nearly everyone we talk to.  Get out there and enjoy it!!  Just be cautious of icy corners, and stay on your own side of the trail!

The forecast for early next week is not in our favor.  Beginning Sunday, it could get above freezing for four days with Monday in the mid 40s.  If we can do this with minimal sun, we should be able to get through this without too much trail damage.  There is potentially more snow coming on the back end of the warm spell.

If you happen to be using the Groomer Tracker app, it gives the appearance that the Barnstormers have not been grooming much.  I can assure you that we are grooming nightly, and a couple of daytime shifts.  We currently are working with two new machines that are not yet equipped with GPS, so they don’t register on the GT app.

Remember, there are logging operations on parts of trails 11 & 15 between Escanaba Lake Road and Old White Birch Road.  The impact to the trail is minimal, so no reason to avoid.  Just remember the loggers have priority over the trails & have the authority to shut them down if you get in their way.  Please be respectful of their operations.

Be sure to take advantage of our upcoming fundraising event!

  • Brat Fry @ Sayner Pub on Saturday, Feb 22.  10 AM – 3 PM

Trail Report Thursday, February 14, 2025

Mother Nature continues to mostly ignore the northwoods of Wisconsin.  Since my report a week ago, we've had an additional 3-4" of new snow (dry & fluffy).  It helps, but we sure could use some wet snow!  Forecast is for 2-4" more on Friday - Saturday.

The Barnstormer trail system is holding up quite well.  You'll find some dips here & there that can only be fixed with more snow, but mostly the riding is still really good.  With the thin layer on top of the base, please be careful going into corners as the ice can carry you into oncoming traffic if you're going too fast.

If you happen to be using the Groomer Tracker app, it gives the appearance that the Barnstormers have not been grooming much.  I can assure you that we are grooming quite frequently.  We currently are trying out two demo machines and they are not yet equipped with GPS, so they don't register on the GT app.

Remember, there are logging operations on parts of trails 11 & 15 between Escanaba Lake Road and Old White Birch Road.  The impact to the trail is minimal, so no reason to avoid.  Just remember the loggers have priority over the trails & have the authority to shut them down if you get in their way.  Please be respectful of their operations.

Be sure to take advantage of our two upcoming fundraising events!

  • Pizza fundraiser @ Hillside Tavern on Sunday, Feb 16.  4 - 8 PM

  • Brat Fry @ Sayner Pub on Saturday, Feb 22.  10 AM - 3 PM

Trail report Thursday, January 23, 2025

Our area got 3-4" of fresh snow last night.  It was pretty dry & fluffy, but new snow.

As of later tonight, the entire Barnstormer's system will have been panned.  As mentioned previously, until we get some good snow, we will only be going out once a week.  This is in attempt to protect the existing base.  With the lack of snow cover, too much grooming will do more damage than good.

Even with the lack of snow, our trails are in good condition.  As you get to the western side of our system, the snow cover gets thinner, but it's all still very rideable.  If you listen to the naysayers on Facebook, you'd think the trails were trashed!  That is far from the truth.  Every rider I've had a chance to talk with has been very happy with the riding conditions.  

Remember, there are logging operations on parts of trails 11 & 15.  The loggers have priority over the trails & have the authority to shut them down if you get in their way.  Please be respectful of their operations.

Don't forget about the upcoming events!

Chili Dump @ Murmuring Waters: Saturday, Feb 8, 2-5 PM

Pizza Fundraiser @ Hillside Tavern: Sunday, Feb 16, 4-8 PM

Trail report Thursday, January 17, 2025

Here we go!!  The Vilas county snowmobile trails OFFICIALLY OPEN at 8:00 am, Friday, January 17!!

It's certainly been a long wait.  Please keep in mind that our snow cover is very thin and the trails are going to be icy, especially in the corners.  The Barnstormers will maintain trail conditions the best we can, but without additional snow, there won't be much we can do.  As long as everyone is aware that we don't have ideal conditions yet, we can get out and finally enjoy some riding!

There are ongoing logging operations on trails 15 and 11.  Remember that logging personnel have the right of way.  They also have the right to shut down trails, so please be respectful.

While you're out there, remember to stop by the amazing businesses that keep us operating.  Check out our upcoming events:

Saturday, Jan 18:  Snowmobile Breakfast @ Stillwaters.  8:00 - 11:00 AM

Saturday, Feb 8:  Chili Dump @ Murmuring Waters.  2:00 - 5:00 PM

Sunday, Feb 16:  Pizza Fundraiser @ Hillside Tavern.  4:00 - 8:00 PM

Trail Report Thursday, January 6, 2025

The 1-3" that was forecast for last night turned out to be barely a dusting.  They say more is coming this weekend, so we'll keep our fingers crossed.

The Barnstormer system remains in fair to good condition and is actually holding up quite well under the circumstances.  It's thin cover pretty much all over, with a few areas of snirt beginning to show. 

There is still some great riding, so get out there and enjoy!  Be cautious of icy corners.

Remember, there are logging operations on parts of trails 11 & 15.  The loggers have priority over the trails & have the authority to shut them down if you get in their way.  Please be respectful of their operations.

Don’t forget about upcoming events!

Vintage snowmobile show @ Sayner Pub, Saturday, Feb 8, 8 am - 4 p-m

Chili Dump @ Murmuring Waters: Saturday, Feb 8, 2-5 PM

Pizza Fundraiser @ Hillside Tavern: Sunday, Feb 16, 4-8 PM

Trail report Wed. March 29, 2023

Here we are , folks. The season is coming to an end. The Vilas County trails will officially

close at midnight on Friday March 31. It’s been an amazing season and we thank all who

have spent time on our trail system and in all the local establishments.

Here’s some stats for you going back 18 seasons.

The last time trails stayed open till March 31 st. was the 2012-2013 season

This is only the second time in 18 years we’ve made it to March 31 st.

This season lasted a total of98 days. The longest was 111 days in the 12-13 season.

Trail Report March 14, 2023

We had nearly a foot of new snow over this past weekend. I groomed last night & I have to say

say the trails were the best I’ve seen all year! If you can get out & ride tody, you’ll find amazing

trails and limited traffic.

Weather changes things daily this time of year. Tomorrow is forecast for 42 degrees and

Thursday is 39 with rain. There is potential for that rain toturn into snow by Friday. Temps will

back into the 20s for the weekend. Trailswill certainly degrade over the next couple days, but

most likely some good riding. Conditions this weekend will totally depend on how much rain or

snow we get> It looks like we’ll get at least one more weekend with the trails open.

keep aneye on the weather!

Late season weather has made some of our steeper hills too hazardous for the grooming

equipment to navigate, so we have some sections of our system that we’ve stopped grooming

At this point in the season we just aren’t going to risk injury or equipment damage. So if you

find areas in the Barnstormer’s system that are not getting groomed, that’s why

Stay safe & enjoy what’s left of the season!!

Dwight Kimber

Trail report Feb. 23, 2023

Overall snow totals for the week ended up between 12” - 15” in our area. It was

very dry& fluffy, so it doesn’t help improve the icy base below. We really need a

good wet snow that will stay in place !

Even though the trail looks really nice, please aware that your still riding on

ice. Corners are still going to be very slick. Riding with caution will help keep

everyone safe, and it’ll help keep as much snow on the trail as possible.

The Barnstormers are back on our regular grooming routine. We’ll do

our best with the snow we’ve got. There is supposed to be another snow event

coming on Monday , so let’s hope there’s some moisture in it! That’ll go a long

way towards bringing back to very good !


trail#51 is CLOSED between TIN # 344-353 ! DO NOT RIDE THIS SECTION OF TRAIL1


Trail Report : Feb- 21,2023

Yesterday, we received round 1 of a three part snow event. Sayner received about 4” far.

this first round was very dry and fluffy. It will not stick to the trails, so be aware that the base

is still ice. Hills and corners will continue to be difficult to navigate. You may see a fresh coating

snow but you’re still be riding on the ice.

Round , 2 tonight, is supposed to be fairly minimal in accumulations. The bigger system is

coming Wednesday evening through Thursday. Forecasts vary, but there is potential for an

additional 4-8” by end of Thursday. Let’s hope this comes with some moisture in it !

another 8” of fluff won’t really improve conditions.

At this point , The Barnstormers are planning to resume grooming operations Thursday


Once again, we need to emphasize , TO STAY ON THE TRAIL! Two of our neighboring clubs

have had to close almost 20 miles of trails due to riders being disrespectful by trespassing

on private property. The land owners have had enough and have forced trail closures

TRAIL CLOSURE NOTICE: Due to logging on going logging operations, the Barnstormers trail #51


Dwight KImber

trail report Feb. 15, 2023

The entire Barnstormers trail system was groomed on Monday night. Based on the

section I did, at that time, I could say that 70% of our system was still in pretty good

good condition. The main trail coming into Sayner from the south is nearly trashed

with no way of recovering except more heavy wet snow.

Since then, we’ve had another day of 40 degree temps, plus a lot of rain. There is

only 2 out of the next five days forecast below freezing and virtually no chance of snow

These conditions we would expect to see near the end of the season . For now , there’s

no serious talk of trails closing in Vilas county. but another week may change that .

In the meantime . our biggest challenge is going to be off trail riding. People want

to ride where there is still snow. But it is still illegal! DON’T DO IT !

Hopefully, The forecasts are wrong and I can have a better report next week.

fingers crossed

TRAIL CLOSURE NOTICE: Due to logging operations, the Barnstormers #51 trail is closed


Mark your calendars for the final Barnstormers fundraiser event of the season!

SUNDAY, February 19,2023: Pizza Fundraiser- join us at THE HILLSIDE TAVERN AND GRILL

from 4:00 - 8:00 for our Pizza Fundraiser


Trail Report Feb 7,2023

The trails have been holding up quite well, even with the lack of good snow.

most trails remain flat, but the corners are getting more icy and difficult to navigate

The Barnstormers took a break from grooming yesterday and today in order to catch up

on some maintenance . Traffic has slowed considerably since the weekend ,so were still in

pretty good shape. The weather this week is bringing us some unwelcome warmer temps.

As I write this, it is 34 degrees and mostly sunny. Tomorrow is forecast to hit 40 degrees.

We don’t expect highs below freezing until Friday, when there is a chance of light snow

we’ll resume grooming tomorrow night unless warm weather temps keep us off the trails

in that case, we’d start again on Thursday.

Our groomers had a couple of incidences this past weekend where sleds nearly hit us

Folks our equipment is lit up like the city of Chicago! How can you not see us in plenty of

time to slow down? We might sound like a broken record, but Please slow down and be

aware of the conditions. Save your speed for the lakes. Stay safe on the trails !



Mark your calendars for the final Barnstormers Fundraiser Event of the season!

Sunday, February 19, 2023 Pizza fundraiser join us at the Hillside Tavern and grill from: 4:00

to 8:00 for our Pizza fundraiser!!

Dwight Kimber

trail report January 30,2023

The Barnstormers trails have held up very well despite the heavy traffic and lack of good snow. with the exception of tonight, January 30, we are grooming nightly With the sub-zero temps, we are not sending our drivers out tonight. Grooming will start up again tomorrow night.

Until we get significant snow, the trail base will remain very thin and the corners will be icy. The lack of snow is helping to keep the trails flat, but the icy base makes safety a big concern.

Sometimes we may sound like a broken record when we continue to preach about slowing down THERE HAVE BEEN FOUR SNOWMOBILE FATALITIES IN THE AREA IN THE PAST FOUR DAYS! two left the trails and hit trees one lost control and hit a fence postafter passing another sled on the trail, and one was hit by a truck when trying to cross a highway We can not stress this enough SLOW DOWNAND BE ATTENTIVE

Another situation that has been getting worse is the off trail riding. Hey I know it’s fun But it’s illegal, it’s criminal trespassing, and disrespectful. One of our neighboring clubs on the verge of losing a main corridor because of this nonsense. These aren’t idle threats , it’s really starting to happen STAY ON THE TRAIL OR STAY HOME.

Trail closing notice : Due to logging operations, The Barnstormers trail 51 is closed between tin #344 and 353 Do not ride in this section

mark your calendar for the following fund risers

SATURDAY, February 4,2023 Annual chili dump-join us at Murmuring waters lodge from 2-5

SUNDAY, February 19,2023: the Pizza fundraiser at the hillside tavernand grill from 4:00-8:00 for our Pizza fundraiser

trail report January 11,2023

TRAIL CONDITIONS HAVE IMPROVED WITH THE REDUCTION OF TRAFFIC AFTER THE Christmas and New Years week. We have been grooming nightly. There is very little base to work with right now, but we are still able to keep trails mostly flat. Everyone I ‘ve talked with over the past week or so has been very happy with riding conditions.

The snow we are currently working with has been groomed and re groomed multiple times over, so ther is no stick left in it. it takes very little traffic to blow the loose snow out of the ruts and create a bumpier ride. We need some new heavy wet snow to remedy this. The forecast for next week does not appear to bringing us any white gold, but we’ll keep our fingers crossed

This coming weekend is the 22nd Vintage World Championship Snowmobile races in Eagle River. It’s also MLK weekend so you can expect to see very heavy traffic. We should still be able to maintain good riding conditions, but please be aware that the corners will be very icy. Please be very cautious when approaching corners

TRAIL CLOSURE NOTICE; de to logging operations, the Barnstormers trail #51 is closed between TIN344 and 353 DO NOT RIDE THIS SECTION OF TRAIL


Saturday January 14,2023 Brats on the trail tral marker 217 we will have Brats Dogs chips and beverages

Saturday January 21,2023 Stillwaters Snowmobile breakfast - 8:00 - 11

Sunday Febuary 4,2023 Chili Dump - at Murmuring Waters 2:00 to 5:00

Sunday Febuary 19,2023 Pizza Fundraiser- the Hillside Tavern and Grill from 4:00 to 8:00


trail report 12/29/2022

News year weekend is historically ome of the busiest of the season. Extensive traffic and minimal snow conditions are not a combination tat bodes wellfor the trails. it’s been two weeks since we’ve had any wet , heavy snow ( dry , fluffy smow does not help us ) and it’s becoming obvious. when trails opened we only had 2” of base to work with.

Most of Barnstormers trail system has been in fair to good condition. The 2 mile stretch coming into Sayner is always our hardest hit and is in poor condition with deep ruts. I’m told Plum Lake will be marked on Monday, so that will take some pressure off the town trail .

After taking a ride yesterday through three neighboring club systems, it was obvious that other clubs are fighting the same issues. you”ll find a lot of decent riding , but high traffic areas are getting hit hard. Every club is doing what they can, but without some more wet snow to work with , we are grooming dry, worn out snow that will not pack or stay in place .

The Barnstormers will continue doing the best we can with the conditions Mother Nature is offering. It looks like our best chance for more snow is Tuesday . High temps is 35, so hopefully, it will be more snow than rain.!

And finally, After seeing some negative posts on social media , I feel like I have to respond . If you have never been a groomer driver , please don’t comment as if you know what it takes to maintain the trails . All of Vilas county clubs are run by people that have been doing this for a very long time .Blaming clubs for conditions that are outside of their control is uncalled for and not at all helpful.


Due to ongoing logging operations , the BARNSTORMERS trail #51 is CLOSED between TIN#344and 353 DO NOT RIDE THIS SECTION OF TRAIL

Mark your calendarsfor the following BARNSTORMER fundraising events

SUNDAY, JANUARY 14,2023 BRATS ON THETRAIL - join us at trail marker #217 for brats on the trailside . WE will Have chili. hot dogs,brats,chips and beverage


SATURDAY,FEBUARY ,4,2023; ANUALCHILI DUMP- join us at MURMURING WATERS FROM 2;00 TO 5;00 for our annual Chili Dump.


TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske

TRAIL REPORT 3/17/2022

The Vilas County trails will officially close at 8:00 am on Friday, March 18, 2022. Overall, it's been a great season. Businesses I've talked to have indicated higher amounts of traffic this season…

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TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske


Mother Nature hasn't been kind to us this past week. The "ice storm" last weekend wasn't nearly as bad as expected, but the snow that was supposed to follow didn't produce much of anything…

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TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske


Trails are remaining in overall good condition.  There is a potential for rain this weekend, so conditions will vary depending on what happens.  Right now the hills are getting icy.  Traffic has slowed…

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TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske

TRAIL REPORT 2/24/2022

The storm earlier this week brought us 6" + of fresh snow! We are expecting that this will bring extra traffic through the weekend. The Sayner/Star Lake Barnstormers will be out nightly to keep our…

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TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske

TRAIL REPORT 2/21/2022

The updated forecast is calling for 9-12" of new snow between tomorrow and Wednesday!  This would normally be great news, but we currently have one of our tractors broken down (axle issues) on   

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TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske

TRAIL REPORT 2/19/2022

We've gotten a bit of fresh snow and it's helped a little.  Trails are still in really good condition except in super heavy traffic areas.  Forecast is calling for 4-8" of new snow early next week, so keep your fingers crossed…

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TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske

TRAIL REPORT 2/10/2022

Snow conditions over the past few weeks have not improved. The little bit of snow we have received has been dry and fluffy, which doesn't help the trails. Most of our trails remain flat, but the…

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TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske

TRAIL REPORT 1/20/2022

Not much has changed from last week's report.  We did receive about 3" of new snow in the past couple of days, but it was lacking moisture.  It helps, although we really need some heavy wet snow …

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TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske TRAIL REPORTS Carrie Schalinske

TRAIL REPORT 1/11/2022

We received about 5" of new snow last week.  While every bit helps, this snow was pretty fluffy, so it didn't really add to our base.  Our trails still remain pretty flat, with minimal snow on top of the…

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