The Sayer-Star Lake Barnstormers Snowmobile Club relies on not only your membership, but also our fundraising efforts! Each fundraiser is equally important to the club as they help fund maintenance of the trails and our equipment. Please mark your calendars and join us!
If you’re unable to join us, but would like to make a donation, click HERE.
10th Annual Sayner-Star Lake Street Fair
You’ll find our tent again at the 10th Annual Sayner-Star Lake Street Fair. Join us for a brat, bring the kids to check out one of our groomers.
23rd Annual Stillwaters Mayoral Race
Music, raffles, and election of honorary Mayor of Star Lake at Stillwaters in Star Lake. All proceeds go to the Sayner-Star Lake Lions Club and the Barnstormers Snowmobile Club.
Barnstormers Annual Weber's Meat Raffle
Join the crew at Weber’s for our annual meat raffle.

Brat Fry
Join us for our Pop Up Brat Fry at Sayner Pub on Saturday, February 22 from 10:00am-3:00pm!

Join us at The Hillside Tavern and Grill for our Pizza Fundraiser!
Not a member yet - stop by and sign up to be a member!

Join us at Murmuring Waters for our Annual Chili Dump
Not a member yet - stop by and sign up to be a member!

Join us at Stillwaters For our Annual Snowmobile Club Breakfast!

Ride with the Cup
Another moment in snowmobiling history is about to happen! Join us on Fri., Jan. 14, 2022, at 9am, for the 33rd Badger State Winter Games 2022 Torch Ride. A meet and greet and photo op will …

Barnstormer Christmas Party
Barnstormer Christmas Party
Join us at Mar-Li’s Restaurant
Social Hour 5:30pm
Dinner Hour 6:30pm
Dinner Choices:
Grilled Shrimp
Chicken & Ribs
Prime Rib
Dinner includes vegetable, baked potato, dinner roll, salad and dessert.
Cost $38 includes tax and tip.
Contact Anita with your dinner choice by Saturday Dec 7, 2024. 715.542.2952 or bubbjo12@gmail.com or mail payment and choice to:
8049 Lost Lake Dr
St Germain, WI 54558
Checks made payable to Barnstormers
Maximum capacity 80 persons.
Follow Up Club Brushing
Follow up brushing Barnstormers trails Saturday Dec 7 at 9 AM meet at Clubhouse.
Club Brushing Day
Join us for our Club Brushing Day on Saturday, October 19, 2024.
We’ll meet at the clubhouse at 9am.
Lunch is provided by the club. Place to be determined once confirmed.
Club Meeting
Our first meeting of the season will be Monday, September 16 at 7:00pm at the clubhouse.
Since Denny’s passing, things have changed up a bit. First I would like to congratulate Matt Towne on becoming our new President. We have some positions to fill and if you are interested in any of the following, it is important that you come to the meeting on Monday.
1. Vice President
2. Trail Boss
3. 2 board member positions
If you have any questions please message us and we can help.
Second, brushing date has been set to be October 19th. More details will be announced next week.
We are also looking for anyone interested in becoming a groomer. We will provide training.
Barnstormers Annual Weber's Meat Raffle
Join the crew at Weber’s for our annual meat raffle.
22nd Annual Stillwaters Mayoral Race
Music, raffles, and election of honorary Mayor of Star Lake at Stillwaters in Star Lake. All proceeds go to the Sayner-Star Lake Lions Club and the Barnstormers Snowmobile Club.
9th Annual Sayner-Star Lake Street Fair
You’ll find our tent again at the 9th Annual Sayner-Star Lake Street Fair. Join us for a brat, bring the kids to check out one of our groomers.

Carl Eliason Trail Dedication
Join us at 1 pm on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at Sayner Arch.
There will be a buffet luncheon at Sayner pub/ cash bar afterward.
Please RSVP by June 1, 2024 for lunch count.
Email bubbjo12@gmail.com
Pizza Fundraiser at Hillside Tavern & Grill
Join us for our pizza fundraiser at Hillside Tavern & Grill.
Murmuring Waters' Chili Dump
Held at Murmuring Waters on Lost Lake. Join us for our chili dump and raffles.
Stillwater's Snowmobile Breakfast
Join us for our Barnstormer’s Breakfast at Stillwaters.
Cancelled Brats on the Trail
Join the crew at Trail Market #217 for brats on the trail side including chili, hot dogs, brats, chips, beverages, and a small bonfire to sit/stand by.
Barnstormers Christmas Party
Join us at Mar-Li’s Restaurant on Saturday, December 9, 2023 for our Barnstormer Christmas Party.
Social Hour: 5:30pm
Dinner Hour: 6:30pm
Dinner Choices:
Grilled Shrimp
2. Chicken & Ribs
3. Prime Rib
Dinner includes vegetable, baked potato, dinner roll, salad and dessert.
Cost $35 includes tax and tip.
Please let Anita know choices and numbers of people by Saturday December 2, 2023 715.542.2952 or bubbjo12@gmail.com or mail payment (check payable to: Barnstormers) and choice to:
8049 Lost Lake Dr S
St. Germain, WI 54558
Maximum capacity 80 people.
Thank you- Think Snow!

Club Brushing Day
It’s that time of year again! Are you ready for a fun day of volunteering for the Barnstormers? Everyone will meet at the clubhouse between 8:30 and 9:00. Please dress accordingly. Bring chainsaws, loppers, etc. After brushing everyone will meet at the Sayner Pub where Taylor will be donating pizzas for lunch. Please be at the Pub about 1:30. See you there!

Barnstormer's Meeting
Join us for our first meeting of the season on Monday, September 18 starting at 7 p.m.
We hope to see you there.
Labor Day Meat Raffle
Join us at Weber’s Bar on Monday, September 4 from 1pm-? Meat raffle, 50/50 with possible multiple payouts.
Stillwater's/Star Lake Mayoral Race
Stillwater’s/ Star Lake Mayoral Race
Sponsored by the Barnstormers Snowmobile Club & Sayner/ Star Lake Lions.
Basket Raffles and 50/50 Raffle.
All proceeds go to trail maintenance.

March Monthly Club Meeting - All members welcome
Not a member yet - stop by and sign up to be a member!

February Monthly Club Meeting - All members welcome
Not a member yet - stop by and sign up to be a member!

Join us at Murmuring Waters for our Annual Chili Dump
Not a member yet - stop by and sign up to be a member!

Join us at Stillwaters For our Annual Snowmobile Club Breakfast!

January Monthly Club Meeting - All members welcome
Not a member yet - stop by and sign up to be a member!

Join us at Trail Marker #217 for Brats on the trailside! We will have chili, hot dogs, brats, chips and beverages. A small bonfire to sit/stand around.

Coctails - 5:30 p.m.
Dinner - 6:30 p.m.
Menu Choices - Chicken & Ribs - Prime Rib - Shrimp
Cost $35 per person (Tax & Tip Included)
Let Anita know by Sunday, Dec. 4, 2022
715-617-0142 or email bubbjo12@gmail.com
Hope to see you there!!