NEWSLETTER Feburary 2025
Finally, a newsletter from the Barnstormers! It may be short but important!
If you received this Newsletter, then we have your correct email. We have addresses now for 250 of our 278 renewed member households. We are trying hard to get the remaining ones.
Your Club will be using email more in the future to keep you informed and updated on what's happening. With updates on the website, posts on Facebook, and emails we should be able to reach most of our members.
We will NOT send trail reports by email. Those will be found on the website and Facebook.
Have a safe and enjoyable snowmobiling season.
Not the Year We Planned
The year 2024 was one no one wants to talk about, between No Snow, loss of some dedicated members and worries of "will the club survive". Well, we want to let you know we are here and still GOING STRONG!
Membership, new and old, have stepped up to do volunteer and jobs of running the club: officers, groomers, fundraisers, equipment and building maintenance, memberships and much more. If anyone is interested, please let us know. Elections will be at the March meeting; nominations will be at the February meeting.
Just this past week Vilas County opened all County Roads to ATV/UTV traffic all year long. The Town of Plum Lake has done the same for County Roads. Some signage needs to be done- watch for PSA.
The Club will try to do more newsletters throughout the year.
Sorry for the delay! Let's Snow Dance!
Sayner Celebrated 100 years
Sayner celebrated 100 years of being the Birthplace of the Snowmobile. The Barnstormers were able to dedicate the Plum Creek Bridge and part of the trail Carl Eliason rode in 1924. Tracks on Snow for 100 years!
Trails Are Open
Our trails are open. Please Ride Right and Safe. We do need more snow, and trails are in early season conditions with a good base.
Membership Corner
Our membership has increased every year, as well as your support and donations are unbelievable. We are able to do what we do because of YOUR GREAT SUPPORT!
Have you renewed your membership?
Club clothes are always available —usually order an item at a time: this way you get the style, color, size, and logo colors you want. The only thing that may be in stock are the club caps. You can place an order through the Barnstormers website.
The maps for the 2024-25 are out! Remember these businesses support the Barnstormers year after year, so stop in and see what they have to offer, you may be surprised.
Our fundraisers remain the same, they are listed on our website, Facebook and maps. Please come and support us or even donate a basket.
Upcoming Club Fundraiser Events:
Chili Dump @ Murmuring Waters: Saturday, Feb 8, 2-5 PM
Pizza Fundraiser @ Hillside Tavern: Sunday, Feb 16, 4-8 PM
Local Groups
Wisconsin Law? If you are looking for a group to ride with look into the Apple Dumpling Gang or the Bo-BBB's out of St. Germain, our own Wayne Ax is President of the Apple Dumplings. Check out Bo-Boen's website for more info.
OFFICERS 2024-2025
President: Matt Towne
Vice President: Eric Linnerud
Treasurer: Tom Reed
Secretary: Anita Horan
Board Members: Aaron Towne, Jim Krieck, Dwight Kimber
From the President and Trail Boss
Since the snow just melted, I woke up this morning, and it's autumn and we are getting ready for another season. First things first I want to let all of you know Your Vice President Jim Krieck has finally retired. After thirty years plus Jim has served the Barnstormers in almost every position with the Barnstormers Club. Jim is our #1 groomer, he has groomed every mile of the Barnstormer system at one time or another. We have worked side by side in getting our system rerouted into the Northern Highland American Legion State Forest off of private land. Jim has also worked on our equipment also plowing snow around all our buildings. When needed Jim will stay on as a Board Member and I hope maybe groom 1 or 2 days, (my wishful thinking.).
Also at this time another long-time Barnstormer has retired, Bud Bird. Bud was a mainstay in our club. Bud groomed, worked on equipment, helped me maintain the Barnstormers Clubhouse and outbuildings, and mowed trails in the summer to get ready for the following season. He also hyped up the club to anyone who would listen. Thanks, Bud!!! Best wishes in your next adventure.
I applied for grants to rehab our older trails, 5 to be exact. At the Governor's Council meeting, we were told no rehabs unless mandatory reroutes will be looked at. Needless to say, we will reapply for grants again next year, some of our trails are over 50 years old and we wanted to widen, cut out some curves, and generally try to make our system safer for all of us.
We had our track machines taken to Lulich Equipment and they did some warranty work and other things to the tractors. We had them install our new Diamond Boom Mower on our rack machine. On our Zudberg tractor with only 1700 hours, we had to replace both front tracks, they delaminated from the inside out. Dan from Lulich is trying to get us a warranty from the track company. He was informed that they only warranty for 1 year from the date of purchase regardless of hours, so we may have to eat the cost of the tracks at $11,000 each total cost of $22,000. Plus while I am on the soap box last year we spent well over $120,000 to maintain the Barnstormers system most clubs did also. We couldn't use our counters last season they were shot up pretty bad. Someone probably thought cameras were spying on them. I repaired them and hope to have them out this season! This trail system feeds in a lot of trail systems, Boulder Junction, Land O Lakes, Arbor Vitae, Conover, St. Germain, and Eagle River. This system has more snowmobiles on it day and night. My groomers do the best job! I think they are #1 always working for you!!
Eric Linnerude has been out along with Al Mies to cut timber so Eric can start mowing. Eric has mowed our entire system and has it opened up enough now that we have our boom mower, we will start widening trails and hopefully get it done before the snow falls. Thanks, Eric and Al.
Keep Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023, open for brushing, be at the clubhouse at 9 AM. Afterward, we will meet at the Sayner Pub, at about 1:30 for pizza compliments of Taylor. Buy your own booze.
Lastly, I want to thank every member for your support and donations, without you we wouldn't have our trail system. I am sending you all this newspaper article I similarly read in 2005. I never gave much thought about it until now and after all the storms last season and all the work we dealt with I feel now is a good time to send this out. Just to let everyone know this can happen, we need you young folks to step up.
Again Thank You for All You Do,
Fundraiser News
Hello Barnstormers, we have had a hot summer, over the summer we have had 3 fundraisers, Sayner Street Fair, Star Lake Mayoral Race, and Weber's Meat Raffle. All were very successful, congrats to Katie Brooker Star Lake Mayor. A Big Thanks to every person who donated a basket or worked them and came to them. The meat raffle was a new challenge this year as Jan McCoy retired this year. A big thanks to those who stepped up Greta Smith, Jan Zannon, Marge Olstead, Eric and Linda Linnerud, and Lisa and Al Mies. As Denny said, "We can't do what we do without your support!"
Membership renewals were mailed out at the end of June- many of you have already renewed and we are also getting many new members. Membership forms are also on the website.
Map Ads
The maps for the 2023-24 season have been at Hahn Printing preliminary work and I am in the process of proofing them for final print. Remember these businesses support the Barnstormers year after year, so stop in and see what they have to offer, you may be surprised.
Club clothes are always available -usually order an item at a time: this way you get the style, color, size, and logo colors you want. The only thing that may be in stock are the club caps. You can Place an order through the Barnstormers website.
Don't forget children need to be certified to ride a sled by themselves, and must be 12 years of age, you can go online or check your local club, St. Germain has one each winter, check their website.
Did you know anyone born after 1985 needs to be certified per Wisconsin Law?
Local Groups
If you are looking for a group to ride with look into the Apple Dumpling Gang or Boo-BBB's out of St. Germain, our own Wayne Ax is president of the Apple Dumplings. Check out Bo Boen's website for more info.
The fundraisers for the 2023-24 season will be listed on the map, website, and Facebook.
Thank you for Your Awesome Support,
Your Officers and Personnel:
President & Trail Boss -
Dennis Horan
Vice-President -
Matt Towne
Secretary -
Anita Horan
Wayne Ax
Dwight Kimber
Jim Krieck